Humans vs. Mosquitoes at DCGames

Clay Ewing and I ran Humans vs. Mosquitoes at this year’s DC Games Festival held in West Potomac Park (just south of Lincoln Memorial and west of MLK Memorial). It was a pretty nice backdrop with the Washington Monument peaking out from behind the trees, and we even got a wave from Air Force One (it felt like it was within arm’s reach). I guess Obama – or at least his crew – approves of HvM! It was a pretty hot and sunny day (felt like almost 100 degrees) so we are very appreciative of all the players who came out and ran like determined humans and mosquitoes.

Also here’s a short clip of humans and mosquitoes at play during DCGames Festival. For more information on the game, you can visit our website:

[vimeo width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”48891646″]